
Breast Enlargement without surgery


Natural breast changes by increasing the hormones which happen at puberty. CONTRACT:  £360 SPECIAL GUARANTEE: Attend the sessions, without being late or cancelling, complete the simple journal, and listen to the personalised CDs that you are given, playing them every day (20 minutes).  If you follow this programme for six months, and you have not achieved your goal, you can have a FULL REFUND.  

Milton Ericson, one of the most famous hypnotherapists assisted a young woman to grow her small breasts to normal size.  The treatment will take between 10 - 20 weeks, and will increase the breast size by 1 1/2 - 2 inches or from cup size A to cup size B.  The take-home recordings of the hypnosis should be played daily between sessions, and works by changing the activity of the hypothalamus.  You can subconsciously change what is happening with your body.  

This avoids painful and risky surgery as it creates changes in the hypothalamus which triggers the healthy development of breasts as happens naturally during adolescence.  

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